“I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2009, one year after marriage. After the diagnosis, I took on the mindset that I have Crohn’s disease, it doesn’t have me, and started controlling what I can. Fitness, nutrition and mindset. I’ve completed numerous Spartan races, half marathons and most recently, the Miami marathon. In November, I’ll be running the NYC marathon for my second time. I use my journey with Crohn’s to inspire others that in spite of our conditions, we can still thrive and live an active and fulfilled life. In order to do this, you have to identify your why. For me, it’s my now four year old soon to be five son. I owe it to him to control what I can so I can be around to run and play with him as he gets older. He even wants to run a marathon with me! 

This is what keeps me going as motivation is temporary. Motivation will get you there but it won’t keep you there, you have to identify your why! My passion for living an active and healthy lifestyle lead to the formation of Chainless Fitness. I’m an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition coach. I love helping others battling chronic conditions find their lifestyle that includes fitness, nutrition and mindset. At the moment, I’m feeling good and take a monthly injection to help with remission. To anyone reading this battling an invisible illness, know that, it will get better. Be in your feelings, but don’t stay in your feelings. You have a lot of life to live. Whether you run, walk, crawl or jog, finish the race.”

New York, New York

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