Celiac disease is a genetic, autoimmune disease where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine (What is celiac disease, 2015). When a person has celiac disease the immune system views gluten as a threat and begins to attack it, leading to damage on the villi, small fingerlike projections that line the small intestine to promote nutrient absorption (Beyond Celiac, 2021). When the villi gets damaged, nutrients cannot be absorbed properly into the body, which can lead to malnourishment. According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, there are no pharmaceutical treatments or cures for celiac disease. Currently, a 100% gluten-free diet is the only existing treatment for celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Depending on the child’s stage of development, here are some key words you can use when explaining celiac disease to children:
• Gluten – Protein found in grains that are in many everyday foods like a piece of bread, slice of pizza, or a bowl of cereal.
• Small intestine – A long tube shaped body part in your belly that food travels through. It breaks down food so your body can use what it needs.
• Immune system – The parts of your body that protect you from germs that could make you sick.
• Digestive system – The part of your body that is in charge of taking the food you eat and breaking it into smaller pieces so that the rest of your body can use it as energy.
According to Beyond Celiac, the common signs and symptoms of Celiac disease include:
• Bloating or gas
• Constipation
• Anemia
• Poor weight gain
• Joint pain
• Fatigue
• Vomiting
• Headaches
• Irritability
Celiac Disease Facts from Beyond Celiac
• 1 in 133 Americans, or 1% of the population, has Celiac disease.
• 83% of people with Celiac disease are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
• Celiac disease can also trigger the onset of other autoimmune diseases.
• Celiac disease affects men and women of all ages and races.
• Nearly 5-22% of people with Celiac disease have an immediate family member who also has the disease.
- Websites
• https://celiac.org/
• https://www.beyondceliac.org/
• https://nationalceliac.org/
• https://www.celiac.com/ - Books
• Dear Gluten, It’s Not Me, It’s You: How to Survive Without Gluten and Restore Your Health from Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity by Jenny L. Finke Dr. Tom O’Bryan
• Gluten Freedom: The Nation’s Leading Expert Offers the Essential Guide to a Healthy, Gluten-Free Lifestyle by Alessio Fasano, MD
• Jennifer’s Way: My Journey with Celiac Disease–What Doctors Don’t Tell You and How You Can Learn to Live Again by Jennifer Esposito
• Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic by Peter H.R. Green, MD and Rory Jones, MS - Applications
• Find Me Gluten Free
• Spokin
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Celiac disease: Fast facts. Beyond Celiac. (2021). https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/facts-and-figures/.
Celiac disease symptoms. Beyond Celiac. (2021). https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/symptoms/.
Celiac disease – symptoms, testing & treatment. Beyond Celiac. (2021). https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/.
What is celiac disease? Celiac Disease Foundation. (2015). https://celiac.org/about-celiac-disease/what-is-celiac-disease/.